New Piece Heavy

Heavy Duty Terminals for crimping or soldering approx 1,300 pieces, 12kg

Heavy Duty Terminals for crimping or soldering approx 1,300 pieces, 12kg
Heavy Duty Terminals for crimping or soldering approx 1,300 pieces, 12kg

Heavy Duty Terminals for crimping or soldering approx 1,300 pieces, 12kg    Heavy Duty Terminals for crimping or soldering approx 1,300 pieces, 12kg
We are offering our remaining stock of Heavy Duty Crimp or Solder terminals on a clearance basis. These are high quality terminals, all with flared cable entry inlets (much easier to introduce the cable than the'non flared' type), and weep holes for easy intoduction of solder. The majority of the terminals are the type with the extra long tube, meaning cables can be'double crimped' into the tube for extra security and better connection. The one's with shorter tubes are specified below. 10mm2 cable size with bolt sizes - 5mm (qty 75), 6mm (qty 73), 8mm (qty 64), and 10mm (qty 110).

322 terminals in total (weight 1.83kg). 16mm2 cable size with bolt sizes - 6mm (qty 49), 8mm (qty 90), 10mm (qty142) and 12mm (qty 8).

289 terminals in total (weight 1.81kg). 25mm2 cable size with bolt sizes - 6mm (qty 118), 8mm (qty 75) and 10mm (qty 48). Also qty 90 of 8mm bolt size of shorter tube type. 346 terminals in total (weight 3.51kg). 35mm2 cable size with bolt sizes - 6mm (qty 105), 8mm (qty 10), 10mm (qty 102), and 12mm (approx qty 10). Also qty 35 of 10mm bolt size of shorter tube type. 262 terminals in total (weight 3.04kg). 40/50mm2 cable size with bolt sizes - 6mm (qty 10), 10mm (qty 20). Also 10mm (qty 20) an 12mm (qty 8) bolt sizes of the shorter tube type, and 10 terminals butt splice type. 60/70mm2 cable size with bolt sizes - 8mm (qty 6), and 10mm (qty 30). So about 1308 terminals in total.
Heavy Duty Terminals for crimping or soldering approx 1,300 pieces, 12kg    Heavy Duty Terminals for crimping or soldering approx 1,300 pieces, 12kg