The swallow is a highly simbolic bird many symbolic meanings & associates. Some of the simbolic meanings of a swallow include. Success or failure in life.
Hope for those who has lost loved ones. Connection to spirit and being motivated by spirits impulses. Cheerful bird with a free spirit. Swallows are beautiful birds easy going with a cheerful spirit, and enjoys wandering the sky. BEAUTIFUL GIFT IDEA - ALSO FOR SOMEONE WHO IS RETIIRING LIKE THE SWALLOW CAN COME AND GO AS THEY PLEASE, WHATEVER THE REASON -THIS IS A STUNNING GIFT /ADD ON. THE SYMBOLISM OF A SWALLOW BIRD IS POPULAR TODAY AS WELL. THIS BIRD IS USUALLY ASSOCIATED WITH LOVE, LOYALTY & PEACE, ALOS IT IS IMPORTANT TO SAY THAT SWALLOW BIRDS SPIRIT ANIMALS ARE JOYFUL, DECISIVE & FULL OF HOPE. NOW YOU WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SEE SOMETHING ABOUT THE SWALLOW BIRD AS A SPIRIT ANIMAL. IF THIS BIRD IS YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL, THEN YOU ARE A LUCKY PERSON AND NOW YOU WILL SEE WHY.BEAUTIFUL SWALLOW WHISTLING TAKING FLIGHT, CHIRPING, FLIGHT DETAIL IS AMAZING JUST AS ONE WOULD EXPECT FROM LALIQUE. THIS IS NEW & BOXED -Lalique looks to nature for inspiration this wonderful sculpture is evidenc of this. Description: Martinet Siffleur Sculpture - Motif Martinet Siffleur - Swallow Sculpture 1998. Dimension: 12.5CM tall measured from head down the back- 16CM measured acrooss the wing span-base 7cm.
Meaning and Uses of the Swallow Symbol in Feng Shui. Is an emblem of good fortune and positive change. For instance, it's especially lucky if a. Builds a nest near your home.
This can indicate upcoming prosperous opportunities. With wisteria and the fourth moon of their lunar calendar. R - Lalique stunning piece. This is the big boy there are smaller one different number.